How it works?

Step 1
Install our app to your BigCommerce store. Just visit App > Marketplace and search for FavSEO.

Step 2
After installation, you can audit and change the title, meta description, meta keywords, and URL for all the products, categories and pages.

Step 3
See your rankings get higher because of this simple App and track the same using Fav Rank Tracker tool.

Step 4
Get more visitors, make more sales. And if feel like, just say thanks to us at
We help you optimize your
BigCommerce Store

Made with love for BigCommerce
We are client of BigCommerce and we know how great the platform of Bigcommerce is. Considering the same we came up with a simple app which can bridge the gap of basic SEO boost for all BigCommerce stores. This is a free app and it will help every single Bigcommerce store to sort their basic SEO.
Simple solution for Free
Yes, it is free. Free for lifetime. If you want to make Google happy, you need to make sure to have different and unique titles & meta description for all products, categories and pages. This is where we come into picture!

Why people choose us?
BigCommerce Stores
Pages Optimised
Years experience
Success Rate